Monday, April 21, 2014

HWL Forum Post: The Divided Self
HWL Forum Post: The Divided Self

Modernism is a twentieth-century literary movement that began in Europe. Influenced by new ideas in psychology, the modernists explored the split between the artist's social and private selves, seeing the artist as a lonely figure struggling in an insensitive world. In Magic Realism, this concept manifests in liminality, multiple perspectives, unreliable narrators and non-linear narrative structures. 

Read the poem by de Burgos (via Kindle). Like "Borges and Myself," it explores the idea that the artist's everyday self is divided from his or her creative self.

Answer the following questions:
    1)    How is de Burgo's view of this division similar to Borges's? How is it different?

    2)    Which translation do you prefer? How do the translations differ, and how might they tell slightly different stories? (Note: The first translation is, indeed, significantly shorter than the second.)

    Your response should be 200-300 words. Post by Wednesday, 4/23@10PM. Respond to two of your classmates' posts by Thursday, 2/24@10PM. Replies to responses are encouraged, but not required. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

HWL Forum Post: Please Look After Mom
HWL Forum Post: Please Look After Mom 

Complete your journal reflection from class--"To what extent is Mom heroic (or not)?" Post your reflection to the blog; no response required but do read your classmates' entries. Be prepared for culminating discussion on your reactions to the characters, as well as your self-reflections.

Forum Post Due: Sunday@10PM

Monday, April 7, 2014

HWL FORUM POST: Perception and Reality
Think about the journaling and discussion today on perception and reality. Now consider the two challenges that Dean Miller poses: to see meaning as constructed (i.e., that we take part in the creation--not the discovery--of meaning); and, to see meaning as self-reflective (i.e., we see--or look for--ourselves in what we read). Consider how this relates to the novel, Please Look After Mom
Choose one character from the novel, and write a short reflection on the construction of that character’s identity. End with a metacognitive reflection of your own sense of self; choose a quote from the following link to caption your response. Read your classmates' entries, and respond to at least two (2) classmates. 
MLA; 250-500 words. Post due: Wednesday, 4/9@4PM. Responses due: Thursday, 4/10@10PM.