World Literature, Period 2 (2009-2010)

A note for 2nd Period...

We really had a raw deal on the schedule. I'm a morning person; yes, I am typically awake around 5AM. I do my best thinking in the morning, and feel the most "alive." By 1pm, I'm pretty much useless. I'm not sure most of you are morning people, but if not, that would explain how very different our class was when we met after lunch. You must realize how much brain power you represent in this class, which made those very quiet morning moments in class all the more awkward.  Somehow, things were always a bit more relaxed in the afternoon--for you. You know what I'm talking about (especially you, Thomas). Usually by mid-afternoon, I was about ready to throw myself into oncoming traffic... but you always finished strong, which was refreshing to me.

What I appreciate most about 2nd period is your commitment and tenacity. You worked very hard, and accepted a lot of hard criticism to become much stronger students, and much better individuals. You suffered many beat-downs at my hands in regards to your writing, but you rose to the challenge, and produced some of the best writing I've had as a teacher. You were very patient with me concerning the blog responses, but they engendered some of the most fruitful discussions, and certainly provided an opportunity for you and your classmates to hear from some of your more *ahem* quiet peers. But more than anything, you trusted me when I challenged you with, perhaps, the most counter-intuitive (and most important) truth I aimed to convey, that "the points don't matter." The China/Japan tests were probably the best example of that (okay, so those were a little over-the-top, but you have to admit, they really challenged you to think outside the box to understand that material!). The education you received in that class is what will be left behind when all the facts are forgotten, and hopefully what you take with you are the relationships we formed, and the new ways we discovered of looking at the world, each other, and ourselves.

And, of course, the good times we had.

Alex C., you are such an amazing and driven young lady; hearing you share your blogs was a highlight of the year for me. I hope you are proud of the tremendous growth in your writing, and I hope you find time to pursue some drama!
Bridget, for two years now I've had the pleasure of teaching you, and I count you among the hardest working students I know. I am proud of you, and hope you continue to shine as a leader.
Danielle, you are such a deep thinker and such a keen wit. You have wisdom that belies your age, and it was a joy having you as a "sounding board" this year.
Heather, you probably kept me on my toes more than any other! You have a confidence, attention to detail, and intelligence that will take you far in life.
Alex J., when you weren't balancing your pencil on your nose, you were really "bringing it" in your writing and oral presentations. Small in stature, but big in heart; don't ever hide your talents!
Nicholas, I appreciate how considerate and thoughtful you are. Don't shy away from sharing who you are with others--you will be a shining light among your peers.
Laila, a sweet smile and sparkling eyes can't hide your genius. You are another of the "silent, but deadly" type (at least at 7:50 in the morning...) :)
Chris L., you have a great deal of passion and creativity, a level head and a warm heart. Always be fueled by those fires.
Chris M., I'm so proud of the effort you put into this class. You were the first to really learn the lesson about "points"--you know what's really important. Guard those things close to your heart.
Allison, you set a high bar for yourself, and worked hard to achieve it. I hope you are as proud of your accomplishments this year as I am.
Melissa, my two year vet: you are one of the sweetest young ladies I've had the pleasure of teaching. It's easy to forget you're such a warrior on the softball field!
Janessa, you are as tenacious as you are thoughtful. Never back down from a challenge--your strength of heart and character will bring you great happiness.
Jon, you have a great heart for others. Never doubt your skills and talents, but temper your strong dedication to your own ideas. You're bound to encounter some that will challenge you, which might change your original ideas, or make them stronger. Be open to where the journey will take you.
Maddie, I always enjoyed your fresh perspective and bright smile. You brought a lot of joy to your class and teacher this year.
Natalie, I admire your dedication to self-improvement. Sometimes we are our toughest critics; never forget how truly incredible you are.
Thomas, you are a scholar and a gentleman. I enjoyed your wit and willingness to help, as well as all the wise-cracks from the back row.
Andy, you are such an incredible and unique guy, but so quiet in class--class can't be all work and no play! Don't be afraid to share your playful and adventurous side.
Daniel, the definition of "silent but deadly." I hope you realize that you kept breaking the curve for the rest. :) Never forget to strive for balance in life!
Jessica R., another 2-year vet: you are sweet, kind, and intelligent, and usually you had me all figured out! Thanks for taking a few risks.
James, I'm not sure I've ever met a kid so comfortable in his own skin, or willing to go out on a limb. I truly enjoyed having you in class, and sad I won't be on that immersion trip with you. I'll let you know as soon as the adoption papers go through ;)
Andie, the last of my vets, and one of "my girls"--you always brought a smile to my face there in the front row, even when you were letting me know how ridiculous I was being. I'll miss you next year!
Christie, you are sharp, clever, and sweet--very ninja-like. I look forward to all the amazing things you will do.
Gabby, you are a powerhouse of a leader. You've got the smarts, the warmth, the integrity--you've got the total package. Keep up the good work.
Jessica V., I think I can safely say that you had the most interesting comments of anyone in class. You are such a unique and creative individual--never stop marching to the beat of your own drummer!
Rebecca, you are funny, talented and thoughtful, and you always brought a different perspective to our discussions. Thanks for holding it down in the back row!

If you notice a recurring them, it's to be yourself--there are so many forces in high school pushing you to be someone else. Who you are is amazing!

To my students, I will be thinking of you fondly as I go on to the next adventure, and look forward to hearing of all of your travels and adventures, all of your successes and joys, your many assured successes and accomplishments. Live life to the fullest, love, and cook the rice!

Sincerely, Your Teacher,
Mr. Franklin

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mr.Franklin for being a great teacher! We will all miss you
